Thursday, 28 March 2013


    Room or Box......or even more!!!
I started off with a little box
In it, my craft stash I would keep
I would only make a few cards.....
Maybe one or two a week.
But then my friends got to know
And wanted the personal touch
And so my stash began to grow..
It all went into two boxes
To three, then even four
And the only place to put them...
Was pile them on the floor!!
Then we moved to a bigger house
I got a CRAFT ROOM of my own
Now I had my own big room
I really could not moan.
I knew I'd fill the empty space
I promised tidy it would stay
But as all of us crafters know
That is really not our way!
So now that I have filled the room
with stash...oh so much more
Its gone back just like it was
With lots of boxes, all piled......
Upon the floor!!!!
   by Ann Littler